Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Psychological Effects Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Essay

According to Dr. Baranosky, post-traumatic stress disorder can be considered as â€Å"brain injury† related to mental problems, such as emotional disorders and fanciful psychological behaviors. The root of PTSD is usually the experience of extremely shocking events which cause severe concussion in human s brain and consciousness. The patients could be the witnesses of dire deaths of their teammates during the wars or a natural disaster, for example an earthquake, a tsunami, a volcanic eruption, in which they feel that their life is in danger and they are desperate to do anything. In addition, physical injuries or diagnosis of serious illness can also bring about post-traumatic stress disorders. Those victims, who suffer from PTSD, usually experience uncomfortable memories, distressing feelings, nightmares, loss of concentration and guilty feelings, (2012, pp.11). 1.2. Current situation on American soldiers: According to Psychological Risks of Vietnam for US Veterans: A Revisit with New Data and Methods, approximately one fifth of American soldiers having served in the Vietnam War returned with post-traumatic stress disorder. This research also reported that â€Å"18.7% of the veterans had developed war-related PTSD during their lifetimes and 9.1% were currently suffering from PTSD 11 to 12 years after the war; current PTSD was typically associated with moderate impairment†, (Veterans of foreign wars, 2006, npg). Major depression caused by PTSD is highly likely to lead toShow MoreRelatedThe Psychological Effects Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder1016 Words   |  5 Pageswork this way. There are call-girls, or escorts, who work in high end places and through agencies. The allotment that people do not focus on is the psychological effects on the prostitutes. According to news.bbc.co.uk, Prostitutes find their work so difficult and dangerous that two-thirds suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. PTSD is a psychological reaction to extremely stressful events more commonly associated with war veterans, or people who have been involved in serious accidents. SymptomsRead MoreInfluence Of A Caregiver s Personality And Resiliency On Their Likelihood Of Developing Secondary Ptsd1102 Words   |  5 PagesSecondary PTSD Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) has been studied extensively. The majority of the population has experienced an event that was traumatic enough to potentially cause Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder with it also being common for most people to experience more than one event with the potential to induce Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Kilpatrick, Resnick, Milanak, Miller, Keyes, Friedman, 2013). 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Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) defined by DSM-IV-TR is â€Å"characterised by the re-experiencing of an extremely traumatic event accompanied by symptoms of increased arousal and by avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma† (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 2000). There are many impacts and effects this disorder has on refugees requiring treatment, interventions, education andRead MorePost-Traumatic Stress Diso rder: Causes Symptoms and Effects Essay1382 Words   |  6 Pagesor suffered from a Traumatic Brain Injury during Operation Iraqi Freedom or Operation Enduring Freedom. What this number does not include are the 39,365 cases of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (more commonly known as PTSD). (Department 2009) Although we usually think of war injuries as being physical, one of the most common war injuries is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and the effects can be devastating to a redeploying soldier who has come in contact with severely traumatic experiences. PTSDRead MoreHolden Caulfield Is On His Own Psychological Journey1450 Words   |  6 PagesThroughout the novel of Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield is on his own psychological journey. This journey tells a lot about who Holden is as a person and the problems he is dealing with. It all starts when Holden has flunked out of Pencey Prep. His psychological struggles are triggered by the traumatic event of his brother, Allie, dying 4 years prior. The death of Allie has affected Holden in all aspects of his life, including friends, school, actions, and thoughts. This causes concern in Holden’sRead MoreIntroduction. 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Subjective data from group selected through a screening process. 3. Participants a. 369 woman participants b. African American, Latina, and White 4. Measures a. Intimate partner violence b. Alcohol and drug abuse c. Depression 5Read MoreSupport System For Post Traumatic Stress Disorder1549 Words   |  7 PagesSystem to Post Traumatic Stress disorder Patient in U. S. Debora Anderson Augusta Technical College Running head: SUPPORT SYSTEM TO POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER PATIENT IN U. S. Debora Anderson Support System to Post Traumatic Stress disorder Patients in America Post-traumatic stress syndrome is an anxiety disorder that differs from other disorders due to its origin, or traumatic event. The severity, duration, and proximity to the event are some risk factors of the disorder. Post-traumatic

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Innocence of Brently Mallard in The Story of an Hour...

The Innocence of Brently Mallard in The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin After reading The Story of an Hour, there seems to linger a feeling in the reader or readers of disgust, or even hatred towards the man. This is especially true for those who have read other popular works by Kate Chopin that also seem to subtly cast the male character in a dim, evil, negative sort of light. So it is not inexcusable to assume that the reason Louise Mallard succumbed to such a sad end is because of her husband, causing oppression or abusing her. However, Louise Mallard is not a victim of oppression caused by her husband Brently. She is a victim of the victim of the oppression caused by marriage in the nineteenth century. Louise†¦show more content†¦They were the type of marriage in which the women were the homemakers and the men were the breadwinners. The women had no real social life, that is, no life outside of the home. It may even be possible that she hardly left the house else her white slender hands(445) may have tanned a little and not have been so white. So Mrs. Mallards first name had no real significance. She is merely Mrs. Mallard, the wife of Brently Mallard. It becomes apparent that Louise has found herself trapped inside of a seriously bogus type of marriage. Not long after she finds out about her husbands unexpected death, she whispers the words, Free, free, free(445). This seems at first quite odd, but when looked at more closely, it plainly states that she is free of the wedlock. And just as a newly freed slave would be overjoyed with the feeling of freedom, and not think twice about his master, Louise is happy with her new found freedom and couldnt care less about Brently. Chopin writes, She saw beyond that bitter moment, which is Brentlys death or funeral, a long procession of years to come that would belong to her absolutely,(445) Louise Mallard soon realizes that, There would be no-one to live for her . . . she would live for herself.(445). No longer will she be just living for her husband, Brently Mall ard. Come to think of it, who was Brently Mallard really? Brently as a person has aShow MoreRelatedThe Swimmer By John Cheever1528 Words   |  7 PagesShep Davis Mrs. Smith English 102 27 April, 2016 The Swimmer In the short story â€Å"The Swimmer† John Cheever characterizes Neddy in a selfish and content manner to illustrate his detachment from society. The swim that Neddy starts in the beginning of the play seems fun and innocent in nature. He enjoys stopping at all of his friends and families house drinking every time after he finishes swimming the pool. The drinking depicts his easy lifestyle, lack of care for the world, and his detachment from

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Succubus Shadows Chapter 21 Free Essays

string(132) " since the other girls didn’t want me to go, but I managed to escape their adorable clutches at last and make a break for it\." Maddie claimed that even Seth’s family didn’t know where he was. According to her, he’d really just†¦vanished. He wasn’t answering his phone. We will write a custom essay sample on Succubus Shadows Chapter 21 or any similar topic only for you Order Now He wasn’t showing up at the bookstore. When people disappeared, I immediately jumped to supernatural conclusions, but Maddie then added – through more tears – that she used her key to get her belongings from Seth’s place and found a suitcase and some clothing missing. Feeling guilty about having the key anymore, she then shoved it into my hand and told me to return it. Or throw it away. I did my best to comfort her some more and then offered to take her over to Doug’s. Roman shot me a warning look as we were about to leave. â€Å"Don’t do anything stupid,† he said out of Maddie’s hearing. â€Å"I knew your nice bedside manner wouldn’t last,† I returned. Despite Doug’s slacker rocker-boy lifestyle, I knew Maddie’d be in good hands with him. I dropped her off there and found Doug a mixture of personas. To Maddie, he was astonishingly kind and gentle – the caring brother as opposed to the usual teasing brother. Once she was lying down in the other room, he made sure I knew exactly what he thought of Seth in very explicit detail. There wasn’t much I could say to that except that they should call me if they needed anything. I left. In spite of Maddie’s words, I drove to Terry and Andrea’s anyway. Seth ending things with Maddie so abruptly was crazy – almost crazier than him proposing to her in the first place. But him disappearing without telling his family? No. He wouldn’t do that. He was too responsible. Most likely he’d told them not to tell Maddie where he was. Kendall opened the door when I arrived, her face lighting up like Christmas morning. â€Å"Georgina! Georgina’s here!† Morgan and McKenna, who had been watching cartoons, came tearing over and each wrapped themselves around a leg. â€Å"Nice to see you guys too,† I laughed. Terry had been sitting on the couch near the twins and came over to me with a little less zeal. â€Å"Hey, Georgina,† he said, face typically friendly. He was shorter than Seth and a few years older, but overall, they bore a notable resemblance. â€Å"Sorry for the mass assault.† â€Å"No problem.† I unwound Morgan from me, but McKenna proved a little more resistant. Glancing back at Terry, I said hesitantly, â€Å"I was wondering if I could talk to you, uh, about something.† Terry wasn’t stupid. None of the Mortensens were. â€Å"Sure,† he said. â€Å"Girls, let go of Georgina and go back to the cartoons. We’re going to go into the kitchen.† â€Å"But we want her to watch TV with us!† â€Å"Can we come?† Terry laid down firm but friendly fatherly law, and with great reluctance, the girls returned to the couch. I was impressed. I wasn’t sure I could have refused that group anything. He led me to the kitchen, but before either of us could say anything, Andrea came in from down the hall, smiling in surprise when she saw me. I smiled in surprise right back at her, but it was more from her appearance than anything else. It was the middle of the day, but she wore a robe over pajamas. Her mussed blond hair and dark eye circles suggested she’d been sleeping. Terry had been leaning against the counter but jumped up when he saw her. â€Å"Oh, honey, you should go back to bed.† She shrugged him off. â€Å"I wanted to see who’s here. How’s it going?† â€Å"Fine,† I said. Then, unable to resist: â€Å"Are you feeling okay?† â€Å"A little under the weather. Fortunately, Terry’s manning up today. He does almost as good a job as me with the girls.† I laughed politely at the joke, but it soon faded. We stood awkwardly for a moment, everyone knowing why I was here but no one doing anything about it. Finally, I took a deep breath. â€Å"I’ve come to ask you where Seth is.† â€Å"Funny,† said Andrea. â€Å"We were going to ask you the same thing.† I was taken aback. â€Å"How would I know?† They both just stared. â€Å"I don’t!† â€Å"When this happened a couple days ago†¦this thing with Maddie†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Terry glanced uneasily at his wife before continuing. â€Å"We just assumed, well, that it was because of you.† â€Å"Why would it be because of me? I just found out about this today.† â€Å"It’s always been because of you,† said Andrea gently. â€Å"There was never anyone else. We like Maddie. He likes her. But that’s the problem. Throughout it all, we could just tell that you were always the one. Now, whatever happened between you guys to make it go bad isn’t any of our business. We’re just not that surprised to see this new development.† â€Å"We would, however, like to know where he is,† said Terry more pragmatically. â€Å"I don’t know,† I said helplessly, still a little stunned by Andrea’s words. â€Å"Maddie said he’d packed up, and I figured you guys were keeping his location a secret from her.† I eyed them suspiciously. â€Å"And me?† â€Å"No,† said Terry. â€Å"We really don’t know.† I didn’t have an angel’s talent, but I believed he was telling the truth. Andrea nodded in agreement. â€Å"He just called us a couple days ago and said he’d ended things. Didn’t give any explanation – but well, you know how he is. He doesn’t explain much anyway. Then, when Maddie and no one else had seen him, we started to get worried.† A couple days ago. Seth had ended things with her a couple days ago – when the whole soul retrieval gig had gone down. â€Å"We actually tried calling you,† added Terry. â€Å"But never got an answer.† â€Å"Ah, yeah. I’ve been sick this week too.† Eyeing Andrea – who looked exhausted – I suddenly felt bad for taking up any more of their time. â€Å"Look, I should go. Thanks for the info. Will you†¦let me know if you hear from him?† Andrea smiled again. â€Å"Something tells me you’ll hear from him before we do.† I wasn’t as confident. Leaving the house was a little tricky since the other girls didn’t want me to go, but I managed to escape their adorable clutches at last and make a break for it. You read "Succubus Shadows Chapter 21" in category "Essay examples" I was walking toward my car when a voice said, â€Å"She’s sick, you know.† I turned, startled, and saw Brandy standing near a gate that led to their backyard. She had the same sullen look about her she’d had for so long. â€Å"Hey,† I said in greeting. â€Å"Where’d you come from?† â€Å"I was around. I heard you talking to Mom and Dad.† I replayed Brandy’s initial words. â€Å"Your mom†¦you mean she’s sick, right? I could tell.† â€Å"No, I mean she’s really sick. She’s really sick, and they won’t talk about it.† Brandy gave a nod toward the front door. â€Å"No one else knows. Not even Uncle Seth knows just how sick she is.† A chilly breeze stirred dried leaves around my feet, but it was nothing compared to the cold starting to fill me. â€Å"Just how sick are we talking, Brandy?† Brandy scuffed her feet against the driveway, eyes averted. â€Å"She has ovarian cancer. It’s bad†¦but they’re still trying to figure out just how bad it is.† â€Å"She was going to the doctor that day I was here,† I recalled aloud. Andrea had been so bright and cheery, I’d assumed something routine was going on. I also realized I hadn’t technically been here; I’d seen it in a dream. Fortunately, Brandy was too distracted to notice my slip. â€Å"She’s been at the doctor a lot. Dad’s missing tons of work. Uncle Seth’s helped out sometimes, and I’ve been babysitting all the time.† I suddenly felt incredibly selfish. I’d been assuming Brandy’s moodiness was all over me and Seth breaking up. But that was only a symptom of the larger problem. Her mother was dangerously ill, and every part of her world was destabilizing. Her own life was probably being put on hold to watch her sisters, and even something like her uncle’s romantic life could ripple what she’d regarded as the norm. All the constants in her world were disappearing. â€Å"Brandy, I – â€Å" â€Å"I have to go,† she interrupted, heading back toward the gate, face stony. â€Å"Kayla’ll be up from her nap soon. I’m supposed to keep an eye on her today.† Brandy disappeared around the corner before I could say anything. I stood there, feeling lost. I didn’t know who I felt worse for: Brandy and Terry for knowing what was going on or the little girls for being oblivious. I felt bad enough for myself because there was nothing I could do. There was never anything I could do. I had powers beyond human imaginings, but they were nothing that could actually help humans. I drove downtown with a heavy heart, trying hard – and failing – not to overreact. Brandy herself had said things were bad but that they were still learning the extent of it. Surely there were more tests, tests that would give some hope. And surely there was treatment. Humans could do that much on their own. Jerome was where I’d hoped he’d be. Really, I decided, the Cellar was nearly as good as him having an office. Carter was by his side at the back table, both of them doing shots from a bottle of Jà ¤germeister. Those two didn’t discriminate among their liquor. I wondered if they were drinking away the hardships of the other day or toasting their success over it. It must have been the latter because Jerome almost smiled when he saw me. â€Å"Georgie, out among the living and back to your petite self. Yet†¦so blue. Blue like always.† Yes, they’d been drinking. Angels and demons could sober up at will, and he was apparently indulging in the full effects. â€Å"I got some bad news,† I said, sitting opposite them. â€Å"What, about losing Mortensen?† asked Jerome. â€Å"How do you know about that?† â€Å"I talked to Roman. He recapped your day – the old man checking in, you comforting your romantic rival†¦it was quite moving.† I scowled. â€Å"Great. You have Roman spying on me.† â€Å"It’s not spying. I just demand answers from him. If it makes you feel better, he’s never very happy to give up those answers.† â€Å"How often do you do it?† I asked incredulously. â€Å"Not that often.† A waiter set down a new bottle. â€Å"Mostly I wanted to see how you were recovering post-dream.† â€Å"Fine. I’m fine.† I glanced at Carter. â€Å"No comments from you today?† â€Å"Leave me out of this,† he replied. â€Å"I’m just drinking.† So he said, but he was also watching and listening very carefully. He was not letting the alcohol affect him. I turned back to Jerome. â€Å"I’ve come to call in my favor.† The dark amusement in his eyes turned to suspicion. â€Å"What favor?† â€Å"The one you promised me for helping save you from Grace, remember?† Yes, no amusement at all anymore. â€Å"I just rescued you from another plane of existence from creatures who were torturing your mind.† I flinched but pushed on with my words. â€Å"You promised a favor, and I didn’t call it in for that. Besides, you would have done it anyway so that you wouldn’t get in trouble.† â€Å"That favor offer was brought on by the drama at the time,† he countered. â€Å"I probably said all sorts of things.† â€Å"You promised,† I repeated. â€Å"I can understand you just fine without putting italics in your voice, Georgie,† he snapped. â€Å"You did, though,† pointed out Carter. Demons could lie – and did – but certain deals they were bound to. Jerome had said he’d grant me a favor out on the beach, and it had been a true promise. â€Å"Fine,† he said irritably, gesturing for another shot. â€Å"What is it you want? And I don’t have to grant it if it’s something totally unreasonable.† â€Å"I want to know – â€Å" â€Å"Careful,† interrupted Carter. I paused, and Jerome glared at the angel. Carter offered no other insight, but those gray eyes were still watchful – and cautious. Which was what I needed to be. Jerome had promised me a favor, and like all demons, he would try to find as many loopholes in it as possible. I had been about to ask where Seth was, but that wouldn’t necessarily do me any good. I wouldn’t be able to get to Seth. â€Å"I want you to send me to Seth so I can spend a few days with him.† Jerome studied me, expression shrewd. â€Å"There’s a couple problems. One is that you’ve kind of asked for two things. The other is that I’m not omniscient. I don’t know where he is.† â€Å"You can find out,† I said. â€Å"At least, if he’s flown anywhere, you can find out.† Seth packing indicated serious travel. Maddie had said his car was still at the house, meaning he hadn’t driven somewhere. If he had, he’d be harder to track. But airports had records, and Hell had its hand in that kind of thing. Jerome could easily get an imp or lesser demon to access Sea-Tac’s records this week and see where Seth had gone. I probably could have asked Hugh to do it, but that wouldn’t have gotten me leave to actually go to Seth, hence my wording. â€Å"And we both know it’d be stupid for you to send me right there and right back. Asking for a few days makes it worthwhile or else it’s a shitty favor.† â€Å"Debatable,† Jerome replied. â€Å"It could be worse,† said Carter. â€Å"She didn’t ask for world peace or anything.† â€Å"Stay out of this,† returned the demon. â€Å"I know what you want.† Carter shrugged and ordered another drink. â€Å"Fine,† said Jerome at last. â€Å"I’ll have Hugh check travel records. You know there might not be a paper trail.† â€Å"I know. But if you find him?† â€Å"Then you can go to him. For now, go home. You’re ruining my good mood. I’ll find you if there’s news.† I didn’t need to be told twice. â€Å"Soon,† I said. â€Å"You have to search soon.† Jerome’s lips quirked. â€Å"You didn’t put that into the wording.† Carter elbowed him, and I had to take it on faith that Jerome would act in a timely manner. My words had implied that I wanted to be where Seth was now. One could argue that waiting meant Seth would change locations, meaning I couldn’t have what I wanted. I also had to believe that Carter had a point in saying this was a relatively easy favor. I could have demanded more. Simple or not, it was hard to wait to hear back. Roman was gone when I returned to my condo, and I had nothing to do but ruminate. I’d given myself a leave of absence at work and didn’t regret it. Still, being alone with my thoughts was never a good thing, and I had far too many to trouble me: the Oneroi, Seth, Andrea†¦ â€Å"Okay, Georgie.† It was four hours later when Jerome appeared in my living room with a pop. I sagged in relief. â€Å"You found him?† â€Å"I did.† â€Å"And you’ll send me to him – for a worthwhile amount of time?† â€Å"Three days,† the demon said. He sounded irritable and impatient. I’d wondered if he’d been drinking this entire time and was angry at the interruption. â€Å"I want you back here in seventy-two hours, and you’re on your own as to how you do it. Do you understand?† â€Å"Yes,† I said eagerly. â€Å"Just send me to him.† I had to talk to him. I had to find out exactly what had happened. I had to make sure he was okay. â€Å"And that settles the favor. Agreed?† â€Å"Agreed,† I said. There was power in that word, just as there had been in Jerome’s initial promise. I could ask for nothing else. â€Å"Then go,† he said. I vanished from my living room†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦and reappeared on a busy sidewalk. People swarmed around me, none of them seeming to notice I’d appeared out of thin air. The sun was on its way down, but the sky was bright and clear – and hot. Very hot. The masses around me were dressed in beach clothes and had the feel of tourists. I stepped out of their path and found myself standing in front of a large, resort-type hotel. The abrupt change in location – and discomfort of teleportation – had left me disoriented, and I needed to get my bearings. Taking in more of my surroundings, I could hear people speaking in both Spanish and English. I turned to the closest person near me, a short, deeply tanned man in a hotel uniform who was directing taxis around the building’s driveway. I started to ask where I was and decided that would be a little too stupid sounding. I pointed at the hotel and asked him what its name was. I knew tons of languages perfectly, and Spanish rolled off my lips easily. â€Å"El Grande Mazatln, seà ±orita,† he replied. Mazatln? This time, I did ask a stupid question: â€Å" ¿Estoy in M? ¦xico?† He nodded, giving me the are-you-crazy look I’d expected. It was probably made worse by my jaw dropping. Well, I supposed if you were going to run away, you should run away somewhere warm. How to cite Succubus Shadows Chapter 21, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Great gatsby 4 Essay Example For Students

Great gatsby 4 Essay A symbol is an object or place used to represent an abstract idea or quality. In the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald there are many such symbols. F. Scott Fitzgerald incorporates each symbol into the plot and structure of the novel. His use of symbolism helps give the reader a better meaning and understanding of the story. The themes of The Great Gatsby are revealed through its use of symbols. Among the most important of the many symbols used in the novel are the green light, the contrast between East Egg and the West Egg, the valley of ashes, and the giant oculist sign. The green light lights up across the bay from Gatsby’s place. This light burned at the end of Daisy Buchanan’s dock. For Gatsby, this green light symbolized the â€Å"go-ahead† sign. Green was the symbol for promise, hope, and renewal. Gatsby’s dream in life was to be with Daisy. The green light on the other side of the bay that Gatsby saw gave him an unyielding hope that his dream would be realized. At the end of the first chapter Gatsby was seen stretching his arms toward the green light appearing as to be worshipping it. Gatsby saw his dream or goal and never gave up. He remained loyal to his quest until death at the end of the novel. Gatsby moved into the mansion across the bay to be near Daisy. The green light symbolized that Gatsby had a hope of winning Daisy. Gatsby asked Daisy to tell Tom that she loved him, but this was too much to ask of her. Daisy told Gatsby that he asked too much and she could not leave Tom. At the end of the novel the green light was no longer a sacred symbol of hope or promise but just a light at the end of the Buchanan’s dock. The contrast between East Egg and West Egg are represented through the dissimilarities of the lifestyles and attitudes of society. The west represents the idealistic viewpoints and the simplicity of life. The east represents the corruption of the wealth and the extravagant wastefulness of society. Tom, Daisy, and Jordan all live in East Egg. They represent the established rich. Gatsby, and Nick live in West Egg. They represent the nouveaux rich. The established rich spend their money without caring about a thing. An example of this is when Tom Buchanan rented out a hotel room just so he could drink on a hot day with his friends in the city. Another example of their lack of morals or lack of caring is when Jordan is driving with Nick and Jordan said that everyone should watch out for her. The West Egg represents the vulgarity of society. An example of this is Gatsby’s enormous parties that he throws every two weeks. Most people that lived in the west had to work for a living. T om Buchanan saw them as socially inferior to himself. He believed that he is better than everyone else is. Gatsby was not born rich so he had live in West Egg. He was looked down upon by Tom. This is why Tom saw Gatsby as no threat to him and Daisy. The valley of ashes symbolized the desolation of life. This area is where all the business failures ended up. The valley of ashes was located at the crossroads of Long Island and New York City. It represented the modern world and the barren wasteland created by industry. George Wilson’s garage is located here. He receives little business and is always covered in dust from the ash heaps. The valley of ashes is important because it helps distinguish between the classes in the novel. There are the established rich that live in East Egg, the newly rich that live in West Egg, and the poor that live in the valley of ashes. The valley of ashes symbolizes the poor and unfortunate part of society. .udadb494bb97757e547352ab5d173f49d , .udadb494bb97757e547352ab5d173f49d .postImageUrl , .udadb494bb97757e547352ab5d173f49d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .udadb494bb97757e547352ab5d173f49d , .udadb494bb97757e547352ab5d173f49d:hover , .udadb494bb97757e547352ab5d173f49d:visited , .udadb494bb97757e547352ab5d173f49d:active { border:0!important; } .udadb494bb97757e547352ab5d173f49d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .udadb494bb97757e547352ab5d173f49d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .udadb494bb97757e547352ab5d173f49d:active , .udadb494bb97757e547352ab5d173f49d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .udadb494bb97757e547352ab5d173f49d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .udadb494bb97757e547352ab5d173f49d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .udadb494bb97757e547352ab5d173f49d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .udadb494bb97757e547352ab5d173f49d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .udadb494bb97757e547352ab5d173f49d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .udadb494bb97757e547352ab5d173f49d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .udadb494bb97757e547352ab5d173f49d .udadb494bb97757e547352ab5d173f49d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .udadb494bb97757e547352ab5d173f49d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: PPQ Parts Global Expansion EssayThe giant oculist sign of T.J. Eckleburg is located in the valley of ashes. The eyes of the oculist sign are symbolic in that they overlook nothing. The unblinking eyes see everything that happens. George Wilson identifies these

Friday, November 29, 2019

Aircraft Inspections for Safety and Reliability

Information pertaining to Pre/Post Flight Inspections Inspections are made to enhance aircraft reliability. Reliability refers to quality service and quality means safety for people. Inspections for aircraft safety and reliability are significant for survival of people and equipment. Since this is an integral part of aircraft operations, we have to conduct aircraft inspections systematically and apply meticulous and down-to-earth processes.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Aircraft Inspections for Safety and Reliability specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Inspections involve steps and processes and require analyses of reports from the different tasks required for aircraft operation. As inspector, I am tasked to determine the airworthiness of an aircraft.  An aircraft inspection is an important activity that ranges from merely â€Å"walking around† to a meticulous inspection by way of disassembling the parts through complicated inspection tools and technique. An inspection system requires reports and investigations conducted by mechanics, information from the pilot or co-pilot in charge of the aircraft, and reports from other personnel involved.  My ultimate aim is to make an aircraft free of any accident. Irresponsible and disorganized inspection will result into a bad aircraft condition that might cause accident (Federal Aviation Administration, 2009, p. 64). Aircraft is scheduled for inspection if it has accumulated certain flight hours, or a situation based on calendar inspection. Calendar inspection is an efficient type of management program since components have to be replaced based on the number of hours the aircraft has performed. (Aviation maintenance technician handbook, 2008, p. 8-1) Preparation for inspection involves a lot of paperwork and availability of information as reference point. Other publications have to be accessed and read as reference guide. Information from t he makers of the aircraft is also important. We consult the aircraft logbook when looking for available data about the aircraft. The historical information of the aircraft is presented here so that when there is any incident about the aircraft, it should be present in the logbook. If there were incidents involving the aircraft, I can get firsthand information from its maintenance history. My findings and observation will also be a part of the logbook (Aviation maintenance technician handbook – powerplant, volume 2, 2012, p. 10-1).  A significant part of inspections at the Honolulu Airport is the use of checklists which list the parts that will be inspected and the steps to be undertaken. The use of the checklist will enhance efficiency.Advertising Looking for essay on other technology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The inspection is provided a systematic approach which covers every step of the way. Every component a nd section of the aircraft is given due attention. In other words, there is no stone unturned in the inspection or investigation. Any negative report from the pilot and crew is given attention and investigated. So, an inspection is also an investigation. (Krause, 2003, p. 163) Safety and inspection practices for the Honolulu International Airport are in line with the provisions and suggestions of FAA Handbook 8083-30 Chapter 8 and AC 43.13-1B. I have already discussed above some provisions of the FAA handbook while the Advisory Circular is a must in the next paragraph. The advisory circular emphasizes inspection of wooden aircraft which are mostly old-designed aircraft. When inspecting wooden aircraft, activities should be in conformity with Section 3 of AC 43.13-1B. Wood decay occurs when fungi develops in wood. Decayed wood has particular characteristics like softness and swelling and its color has changed. The ultimate solution for this problem is replacement. When inspecting woo den aircraft, it must be in a well-ventilated place. Preliminary inspection has to be done before removing the covers. The presence of wood deterioration should be a primary concern in the inspection. (Advisory Circular 43.13-1B, 1998, Section 3) Pre- and post-flight inspections are recorded in the aircraft’s logbook. The results of inspections and reports become a part of the logbook for reference by other inspectors and maintenance crews. Focusing on the history of the aircraft through the â€Å"eyes† of the logbook helps the job of an effective inspector. Airlines have their own maintenance teams and inspectors to improve aircraft airworthiness. Each aircraft has its own maintenance program developed according to manufacturer’s specifications and instructions. This maintenance program is approved by airport authorities and by the government agency responsible for aircraft inspection and maintenance. Each program directs the maintenance schedules for a particu lar aircraft inspection; the schedules include the parts and engines to be inspected. The inspections done for each aircraft from the different airlines are subject for scrutiny and approval by the government agency.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Aircraft Inspections for Safety and Reliability specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to airport authorities, each hour spent in flight will have an equivalent of several hours’ maintenance. Each maintenance session includes a series of inspections and procedures which would depend on the time the aircraft spent on air and the various activities functions and activities the aircraft was involved. Critical thinking Personal judgment and critical thinking have to be included in my report and will become an integral part of the logbook and history of maintenance of the aircraft. Basically, my report is based on personal judgment and critical thinking. This is the area that I have to be good at. I hate the horrors of accidents that I hear from other international airports. Nothing so horrific has occurred at the Honolulu International Airport under my watch.  One aircraft I inspected required a thorough inspection of the parts. The logbook stated that there were some parts replaced with what the aviation industry calls PMA (Parts Manufacturer Approval). These were replacement parts and not Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM). It was a judgment call on my part whether to replace the PMA part with OEM as part of my recommendation. But having experienced myself with PMA parts, it was my belief that the component in question could perform like the original and was still working well and needed no replacement. The logbook for the aircraft stated that it was a first replacement and I also recorded as part of my recommendation that the PMA part in question was as good as the original and was working perfectly. Lives of passengers depend on the aircraft’s airworthiness and the inspector’s skill and expertise. If the inspector recorded wrong judgment, it could be a cause of accident. Critical thinking and honest judgment have to be molded with experience and continuous research and education. This is a serious job requiring analytical skills allowing no mistakes. Legality of the tasks The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is a mandate to provide order in flight operations. The FAA has the sole authority to correct mistakes in aircraft parts and engines. Unsafe situations may exist due to poor design, insufficient maintenance, and many other causes. 14CFR specifically pushes for the regular scheduling of aircraft inspection depending on the specific functions the aircraft was made. (Office of the Federal Register, 2011, p. 33) Inspections are performed before and after flying. But more meticulous inspections are scheduled at least once every 12 months. For big commercial airplanes it has to be after every 100 hours of flying. (Aviation maintenance technician handbook, 2008, p. 8-5)Advertising Looking for essay on other technology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Two types of aircraft maintenance can be conducted: one that is required for the purpose of issuing a type certification (TC) and another issued by the Maintenance Review Board (MRB). These requirements are needed to provide proof of the airworthiness of the aircraft. (Ahamadi, Sà ¶derholm, Kumar, 2010, p. 229) I interviewed some company personnel at the Honolulu International Airport. A pilot of a well-known carrier told me that the pilot has the authority and responsibility to determine the airworthiness of the aircraft. Pre-flight and post-flight inspections have to be done by the pilot and the crew responsible for the aircraft. He told me that the pilot is also tasked to authenticate maintenance reports and other similar reports pertaining to the airworthiness of the aircraft.  Moreover, another personnel said that post-flight inspection should also be a standard operating procedure (SOP) to be performed by the pilot and mechanic to determine any possible problem that might have occurred or might happen in the next flight. Human factors related to maintenance inspections Aviation maintenance technicians are subject to human factors or limitations while performing their job on repair and maintenance. Mistakes in maintenance have been attributed to these human factors and the result is accident. Maintenance people or technicians work in strenuous situations that, if not corrected, may result in errors in maintenance. Their job requires a hundred percent attention to details. Being aware of these human factors can improve their service, while managing time and situations must also be applied.  Human factors can be explained through some disciplines, like psychology, cognitive science, and even modern medicine. Clinical psychology includes knowledge, prevention and relief of stress or dysfunction in order to develop one’s personality. Though the study is complex, it is understandable by ordinary individuals who are involved in routine but hard tas ks that require full attention. Aviation technicians and maintenance people have to be taught how to address human factors, although they continuously learn through experience. (Human factors, n.d., p. 14-3) Technicians and people in the engineering department must be provided the best training since they work in the harshest environment possible. Technical people are exposed to stress and fatigue amid a dangerous situation. They have to be trained in dealing with difficult situations, in controlling their emotions, and in getting the job done with the least mistake or error. As said earlier, human error and negligence are one of the major causes of accidents. To reduce this, personnel have to be trained and conditioned in the course of the performance of their tasks. Everything in the flight line must have the best safety measures to ensure that no accidents occur in the vicinity of the airport, or at least, accidents are minimized to reduce costs and avoid sparing innocent lives. The CFR further prescribes that pilots carry with them and fill in the checklist provided in the Pilot’s Operating Handbook (POH) as they go on duty in flying an aircraft. (Aviation maintenance technician handbook, 2008, p. 8-5) Recommendations Airlines have different maintenance programs for their aircraft. Each maintenance program is unique in the sense that aircrafts encounter different problems in flight. The technique applied to ensure an almost hundred percent safety is to conduct inspections before and after flight. Each inspection is recorded in the aircraft’s history and logbook. Maintenance and replacement for each component is also recorded for the next flight. Inspections are performed before and after flying. But more meticulous inspections are scheduled at least once every 12 months. For big commercial airplanes it has to be after every 100 hours of flying. References Advisory circular 43.13-1B: Acceptable methods, techniques, and practices – aircr aft inspection and repair. (1998). Web. Ahmadi, A., Sà ¶derholm, P., Kumar, U. (2010). On aircraft scheduled maintenance program development. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 16(3), 229-255. doi: 10.1108/13552511011072899 Aviation maintenance technician handbook: FAA-H-8083-30. (2008). Web. Aviation maintenance technician handbook – powerplant, volume 2: FAA-H-8083-32. (2012). Web. Federal Aviation Administration. (2009). FAR/AIM 2010: Federal aviation regulations/aeronautical information manual. New York: Skyhorse Publishing Inc. Human factors.   Web. Krause, S. (2003). Aircraft safety: accident investigations, analyses, applications, second edition. New York: McGraw Hill Professional. Office of the Federal Register. (2011). Code of Federal Regulations: CFR index and finding aids. Washington DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. This essay on Aircraft Inspections for Safety and Reliability was written and submitted by user Bradley Compton to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

buy custom Cloud Computing essay

buy custom Cloud Computing essay 1. Differentiate between Infrastructure as a Service, Platform as a Service and Software as a Service. According to Armbrust et al. (2010), the services that can be delivered through cloud computing are divided into Platform as a Service, Software as a Service, and Infrastructure as a Service. Software as a Service is the most widely used and user-friendly form of cloud computing as, in most cases, it can be accessed directly from the browser without a need to install or download applications. Vendors that provide Software as a Service can manage everything, from apps and O/S, to virtualization and networking. The example of Software as a Service is Gmail. Platform as a Services provides computational resources via a platform, allowing the developers to build a framework over this platform. Thus, they do not need to purchase additional layers of software and hardware. Unlike Software as a Service, with Platform as a Services, some aspects such as applications and data have to be managed by users, not by providers. Platform as a Services offers a wide range of benefits to the companies that look to increase the efficiency of their network performance and interactivity of a large personnel. The example of Platform as a Services is Apprenda that providers services for .NET and Java software development. Infrastructure as a Service provides computer infrastructure, storage, and networking. Thus, companies do not need to buy software and servers. Instead, users can pay for the services according to how many resources they use, which is similar to a rental fee. Out of all the three cloud computing services, Compared to SaaS and PaaS, with Infrastructure as a Service users are responsible for managing the most: apps, data, runtime, and O/S. 2. The authors claim: Developers with innovative ideas for new Internet services no longer require the large capital outlays in hardware to deploy their service or the human expense to operate it. Discuss the statement, pointing out whether and why you agree or disagree with the proposition. The companies do need to be worried about overprovisioning that tends to waste costly resources. In addition, they are not concerned about underprovisioning, which makes them miss potential clients and revenues. Cloud computing eliminates the capital expenses transforming them into operational expenses. It is beneficial when demand for a service is not constant for all times. Thus, a company can pay for using resources, leading to savings. Organizations that have the need for massive analytic tasks can use cloud computing to perform computations faster as using 1,000 machines for one hour is cost associative to using one machine for 1,000 hours. Such elasticity of resources without overpaying for large scale is a unique possibility for that has never been available in the history of IT before the companies (Armbrust et al., 2010). 3. Discuss the cloud computing economics, i.e. why cloud computing is an economic choice for companies of any size. Cloud computing is an economic choice due to pay as you go principle, as stated by Armbrust et al. (2010). Services obtained through cloud computing can be distributed unevenly. For example, a company can use 100 server-hours at one day and not use the service on the next one, and pay for 100. Thus, even if the services are more expensive than purchasing and maintaining ones own server over the same amount of time, Armbrust et al. (2010) argue that the expenses are compensated by such economic benefits as elasticity and transference of risk of over-provisioning and under-provisioning. Elasticity refers to the ability to change resources at a small scale, such as one machine at a time, and with a lead-time of minutes. In order to establish ones own servers, it can take weeks to order and install new equipment, so it must be purchased in advance. However, service providers cannot always make precise predictions. Therefore, the capacity is either overestimated or underestimated. Both cases lead to loss of revenuues, but while the overprovisioning can be easily estimated, the underprovisioning is more problematic to calculate. However, it can be more serious. Not only does a company lose potential profit, the rejected users may never come back (Armbrust et al., 2010). Cloud computing offer many benefits for companies of different sizes and their IT budget. Cloud services allow startup companies to quickly deploy into a rented infrastructure provided by a cloud vendor without having to buy loads of machines, hire operating personnel, and construct a data center. Small and middle-sized companies can use cloud computing services to instantaneously use the benefits of top-class infrastructure without having to obtain, install, and manage it. Large companies are less eager to use cloud services since they are being cautious. However, many of them use it to test the services with some non-mission critical application. 4. See table 2 for the article, on the main obstacles for cloud computing growth. Discuss each of the ten arguments presented in the article. 1. Business Continuity and Service Availability Users expect high availability from services similar to those of the popular services such as Google Search. However, it is sometimes difficult to achieve. The problem lies in the viability of results from entrusting the management of a cloud computing service to a single vendor. The service provider may share software and accounting systems, so in case of any problem, the user risks to lose all the data. Another threat is that a company can even go out of business. Thus, the best way to manage it is to use multiple providers. 2. Data Lock-In Often, customers cannot easily get their data from one provider to run on a new one. One way to solve that problem is to make a single standard of the APIs so that a Software as a Service developer could provide across different providers. Therefore, the problem with one company would not make it lose all the data. Buy custom Cloud Computing essay buy custom Cloud Computing essay Cloud computing is a concept that has at its core a single element: on demand, computing services are delivered over the internet from a remote location, rather than through a desktop, a mobile device, laptop or even on an organizations servers. This implies that computing will become location and device independent, meaning that where information is housed or where processing is taking place will increasingly cease to matter. In a nutshell, computing tasks and information will be available any time from any device, provided there is access the internet (Michael, 2010). The diagram above shows the arms of cloud computing. Use of Cloud Computing In Business For individuals and organizations alike, the cloud concept is increasingly being viewed as an infinite, and not as a finite resource. In the same way, people use and pay for electricity as their energy needs change, is the same way computing has taken an on-demand, scalable form, an additional computation capacity, network bandwidth and storage can be added as needed (Michael, 2010). The current paradigm shift in the evolution of computing only means one thing: the advent of cloud computing is changing both our work and our personal lives. Benefits of Cloud Computing In Business The Creation of New Generation of Products and Services This is among the most important benefits of cloud computing. The economics of cloud computing is allowing firms to create products that were either hard or are relatively less expensive than the competition. Businesses are in a position to incorporate the economic advantage of cloud computing in their product formulations once they have experienced their success, especially if it works for their competitors (Michael, 2010). New business models and business ideas that require prohibitive amounts of computing power or scale or those that were hard to implement due to existing technical limitations and effectiveness, can now be realized with ease (Charles, 2010). Cloud computing has also allowed businesses to improve their storage, processing power and technological innovations that were not possible before. Cloud computing is making these opportunities unusually accessible. Companies traditionally outsourced their IT services some years ago. Unlike this traditional outsourcing of IT, cloud computing provides agility and control unmatched by traditional outsource for the most part. Cloud computing is making it easier for companies to switch than changing IT outsourcers (Nikolov, 2011). The awareness of the greater internet has reached a new leverage. Most companies are using cloud computing to access and interact with the online world in many ways, and it helps them in he employment of social tools, non-relational databases and a host of other technologies in their new cloud. The benefits of these applications are serving companies well by allowing them to acquire the skills and perspectives necessary to compete effectively in the 21st century. Easy Storage and Maintenance The responsibility of storing, maintaining and processing information is outside the company. The company therefore does not handle any glitches or malfunctions, meaning that the business does not need to participate in such problems. Improving Internal Communication Businesses are using cloud-computing solution in improving their internal communications. With in-house software, the storage of data may need one or more computers, and often requires manual entry and tedious communication efforts. This increases miscommunication error. However, with a web-based software solution, all the company executives and other staff interact with the same interface that reflects the same information. Everyone therefore views the same information which ensures consistency and improves internal communications to a great extent (Charles, 2010). Access to Accurate, Real-Time Information Businesses can access accurate and current information via cloud computing solutions. Web-based solutions focused on customer relationship management, which are used to track, store and monitor all the trends of individual customers and more significantly, it is accomplished in real time (Michael, 2010). This means that any employee is in a position to retrieve data on-demand and compile an accurate report reflecting the most current information. Understanding the Customer Since the current and accurate information is easily accessible to sales and marketing departments, they can analyze this information and look for opportunities for growth by using sales strategies that are specifically formulated to meet specific needs and interests of different customers (Charles, 2010). Improving Customer Relationship Management Customer relationship management is crucial to any business success in todays market place. Since sales and marketing departments strategies can be tailored to meet the specific needs of customers, and since these customers are given the opportunity to personalize their purchasing exchanges with the firm, the customer relationship is entire improved. When administrative work is cut, the resources that would have otherwise been used to keep information current manually can be used elsewhere, like carrying out market research. Better Business Tracking Top executive, partners and company heads are using cloud computing to carefully monitor the profitability of the business with more up-to-the-minute information (Michael, 2010). The ultimate goal of adopting cloud computing both in business and governments is cutting costs. Costs are cut in the data entry, IT departments, marketing research and customer call centers. Uses of Cloud Computing By the Government Cloud computing offers attractive advantages to the public sector by delivering infrastructure, software and services required in its operations. One of the most advantageous cloud computing opportunities for the public is the ability to share ICT resources among different agencies. Although governments have tried hard to provide the framework for shared services, these efforts have not always been rewarded. Governments have particularly found cloud computing important, since it offers an easier and less burdensome pathway for the efficient and effective management of public information (Nikolov, 2011). Governments also benefit from cloud computing through decreased maintenance or upgrades of IT resources. This allows improved resource utilization, flexibility, elasticity and efficiencies. Governments are also realizing improved economies of scale as well as improved collaboration capabilities (Nikolov, 2011). Cloud computing has also contributed to improved disaster recovery capabilities, since the public can access information more easily. Cloud computing is also green friendly, and has contributed to the achievement of reduced environmental degradation. Traditional computing required that each work station is installed with software that functions independently of other work stations. The software must be legally licensed to that station, and its maintenance had to be independent. This requires cost, time and energy since organizations have had to hire IT personnel to ensure the maintenance and proper functioning of each stations software. With the advent of cloud computing, the software is web based and one only requires internet access and a web browser. Organizations and governments have been relieved of many IT duties, and thus, costs, that would have otherwise been handled in the house. Cloud computing is changing the way organizations access and use ICT products and services. Instead of owning and managing ICT products and services or using the traditionally outsourced IT services, organizations and are finding it easier to employ cloud computing services since they can meet their ICT services using a flexible, on-demand and rapidly scalable system that does not require ownership on their part or dedicated resources on the cloud services provider. Buy custom Cloud Computing essay buy custom Cloud Computing essay Cloud computing has transformed the delivery and management of IT services. As a utility, cloud-computing solutions reduce IT expenses for individuals, agencies and businesses. It moves data and computing from the traditional portable devices and desktops to large data centers. With this revolution, the demand for cloud computing can be expected to grow exponentially (Hartig, 2009). However, as this technology develops, so do threats and vulnerabilities that affect many users. These vulnerabilities and threats may result to illegal access of critical or confidential data. With the innovation of cloud computing, users do not have to purchase hardware, software and storage devices. A provider through servers and networks can provide these services. Organizations should be aware of these threats and vulnerabilities as they embrace this technology in order to protect their users from crime. Abuse and Suspicious Use of Cloud Users receive various types of services from cloud providers, such as bandwidth and storage capacity. Some service providers provide their users with a free trial period that gives hackers and malicious users an opportunity to access the cloud with nefarious intentions. Spammers and other criminals take advantage of the simple procedures, relatively anonymous access and convenient registration to access the cloud and launch malicious attacks (Hicks, 2009a). Some of the impacts of their attacks include cracking passwords, decoding and building rainbow tables. Hackers and cybercriminals also take advantage of the fact that cloud service providers have limited fraud detection capabilities to launch dynamic attack points, conduct malicious data hosting and execute botnet commands. For example, some hackers use flash files and other content rich applications that allow them to install malware by utilizing users browsers (Spitzner, 2011) To lessen this threat, service providers need to establish stricter initial registration and validation processes. Credit card fraud monitoring and coordination efforts should be enhanced, as well as stepping up introspection of customer network traffic. Another area requiring rigorous monitoring is the public blacklists for the service providers network blocks. This will assist in protecting the integrity of clients data, some of which could be sensitive (Backhouse Dhillon, 2000). Insecure Interfaces and Application Programming Interfaces Cloud customers are able to interact and manage cloud services through interfaces and APIs. Service providers need to secure their service models because they play an important role in the orchestration, provisioning, and management and monitoring of the processes of running the cloud. Customers on the other hand, must be aware of the security risks associated with the use, implementation and management as well as monitoring of the cloud services (Schreiber, 2004). The security of these service models affects the security and availability of cloud services, and therefore, they should include features of authentication, access controls, encryption and monitoring of activities. A weak set of APIs and interfaces results to a variety of security issues, including malicious or unidentified access, API dependencies, inflexible access controls, reusable tokens/passwords, limited monitoring/logging capabilities, anonymous access, clear text transmission and/or authentication of content and improper authorizations. These security issues affect the confidentiality, integrity, availability and accountability of a data in the cloud. The security model of cloud providers interfaces should be analyzed to ensure they are effective. Service providers should implement strong authentication processes and access controls and in concert with encryption transmission. They should also be aware and understand the chain associated with the API (Flavio Roberto, 2010). Malicious Insiders Advanced persistent threats are some of the threats facing cloud computing in this era. Insider attacks are becoming a common occurrence in this technology and are orchestrated by employees at the provider or users site (Anderson Rainie, 2010). A malicious insider can access cryptographic keys and files as well as passwords that can allow them to participate in information theft, damage and fraud. Insiders can also by-pass or bend of security control and engage in other acts of security breaches, and hence, compromise the security controls established to safeguard information systems from attacks against integrity, confidentiality and availability of IT systems, networks and the data in the cloud. The problem of insider attacks has been on the rise especially due to lack of transparency in the processes and procedures of providing cloud services (Underwood, 2012). This means that a provider may not reveal how access is granted to employees and how their access is monitored and how reporting and policy compliance is analyzed. Additionally, customers may not understand the hiring practices of their service providers that could make room for an adversary, hackers or other cyber-criminals to steal confidential information or even take control of the cloud. The level of access granted could be an avenue for accessing confidential data or taking control of the cloud services with little or no risk of detection. Malicious insider attacks pose a great threat to the brand reputation and productivity as well as the financial well-being of an organization (Underwood, 2012). The overall premise behind insider attack is the use of much unsophisticated methods of tricking or coercing users into doing something they would normally not do. For example, an insider may send a phishing email to a user who ends up downloading a malicious code onto their computer or whichever device they are using. According to Spitzner (2011), one hundred percent of all successful compromises are a result of an insider assisting the attacke r. It is imperative that organizations implement policies to mitigate the threat of an insider taking part in an advanced persistent threat. Separation of duties is an important concept in the internal controls, though sometimes difficult and costly to implement. This objectiveis achieved by allocating tasks and associate privileges to multiple people for a specific security process. Separation of duties in the IT organization is fundamental and its the mandate of firms to apply it for regulatory purposes (Backhouse Dhillon, 2000). As a result, IT organizations should lay more emphasis on separation of duties in all their functions, especially security. Separation of duties achieves two objectives in relation to security. First, it prevents conflict of interest, wrongful acts, errors, fraud and abuse that occur in case of conflict of interest (Backhouse Dhillion, 2000). The other very important objective is the detection of control failures including information theft, security breaches and by-pass or bending of security controls. Virtualized Technology Due to the cloud virtualization, service providers reside their users applications on virtual machines based on shared infrastructure. The virtual machines are not designed to accommodate a multitenant architecture and are based on the physical hardware of the cloud provider (Karthick et. al., 2011). Overlooked flaws in technology have enabled guest operating systems to obtain unauthorized levels of control and influence on the platform. In order to maintain the security of the users, service providers are isolating their VMs to prevent one malicious VM from affecting the others under the same provider. In order to provide virtual memory as well as schedule CPU caches policies to VMs, VMs are managed by hypervisor. In addition, since the hypervisor is the main way of managing a virtualized cloud platform, hackers are targeting it in order to gain access to VMs and physical hardware because it resides in between the two (Siani, 2009). This means that an attack on hypervisor can damage both the VMs and hardware. Service providers should employ strong isolation to ensure that VMs are not able to access or affect the operations of other users running under the same cloud service provider. Moreover, service providers should implement the best practices for configuration and monitor the environment for unauthorized activity. The authentication and access operations should be strengthened in addition to enforcing procedures for patching and vulnerability remediation. Vulnerability scanning and configuration audits should also be promoted. Data Loss or Leakage Data loss refers to compromised data that may include deletion or alteration of records without first making a backup of the original content which can be intentional or unintentional (Farell, 2008). It can also occur in the course of unlinking part of a record from the larger context, unauthorized access of confidential data and loss of an encoding key. Data loss and leakage can result from various issues including: operational failures; inconsistent use of encryption keys; authorization and audit controls; political issues; disposal challenges; insufficient authentication; inconsistent software keys; persistence and remanence challenges; risk of association; disaster recovery and unreliable data storage (Tim et.al., 2009). Unreliable data storage occurs when data is stored on unreliable media that will be impossible to recover if data is lost. Inconsistent use of encryption keys will lead to both loss of the data and unauthorized access of the data by illegal users, resulting to de struction of sensitive and confidential information. An example of data loss is the case of twitter hacks. Twitter online hackers accessed accounts and numerous sensitive corporate documents housed in Googles online web office service Google Docs were stolen. The security of twitter data was not efficient enough, since the entire company data was only a single password crack away from discovery. This shows the effect of a data leakage on a brand, its reputation and the trust of partners, employees and users. Loss of core intellectual property has noncompliance and legal consequences beside the competitive and financial implications involved (Farell, 2008). Cloud providers need to specify backup strategies and generate strong key generation, management, storage and destruction practices. The integrity of data in transit should be protected and such data should be encrypted if possible (Flavio Roberto, 2010). API access should be strongly controlled, while providers should be expected to wipe persistent media before releasing it into the pool. Account or Service Hijacking Account or service hijacking occurs when hackers gain unauthorized access and control users accounts usually by using stolen credentials. Such attacks include fraud, phishing and exploitation of software vulnerabilities. Attackers can use stolen credentials and spy on users sensitive activities, return falsified information, redirect information to illegitimate sites, manipulate data and hence compromise the integrity, confidentiality and availability of the cloud computing services (George, 2011). Attackers are using users accounts as a new base to leverage cloud service providers reputation by launching constant attacks. Monitoring should be proactive to detect unauthorized activity and prohibit users and services from sharing credentials. Clients should also understand the security policies of cloud providers. Unknown Risk Profile With the innovation of cloud computing, organizations are less involved with acquiring and/or maintain hardware and software. However, users need to understand software versions, code updates, intrusion attempts and other security practices (Hicks, 2009a). While these features and their functionality may be well advertised when adopting cloud-computing services, the details of compliance to the internal security procedures, patching, auditing, logging and configuration hardening may not be clear. Users need clarification about how and where their data and related logs are stored since an unknown risk profile may include serious threats. Infrastructural details should be partially or fully disclosed, as well as should the logs and data. Cloud Computing Vulnerabilities Several significant vulnerabilities exist that organizations should consider beforee they start to use cloud computing services as described below. Session Riding and Hijacking Session hijacking refers to the use of a valid session to obtain unauthorized access to the information in a computer system or theft of a user authentication cookie used in accessing a remote server. The cookie is also used in web application technologies weaknesses in the web application structure and is easily accessible to hackers, giving them an opportunity to carry out a wide variety of malicious activities (Brohi Bamiah, 2011). Session riding refers to hackers sending commands to web applications on behalf of users by tricking the targeted user. Hackers send an email to the user or coerce him to visit a specially crafted website. Session riding executes online transactions, deletes user data, and sends spam to an intranet through the internet. Other outcomes of session riding are changes to the system and network configurations as well as opening the firewall (Tim et. al., 2009). Additionally, web technologies and refinement evolve new ways of compromising data, provide access to otherwise secure networks and pose threats to the smooth running of online business. Virtual Machine Escape Cloud computing servers make use of the same web applications, OS and enterprise as localized VMs and physical servers. The probability of a malware or hacker to remotely exploit vulnerabilities in these systems and applications is a great threat to virtualized cloud computing environments (Hartig, 2009). Locating multiple VMs jointly increases the attack surface and the risk of compromise from VM to VM. Security systems should be capable of detecting intrusion and malicious activity at VM level, regardless of where the VM is located within the virtualized cloud environment. VM escape is a significant vulnerability that enables guest-level VM to attack the host VM. An attacker runs a code on a VM allowing an OS to run within it to break out and interact with the hypervisor (Schreiber, 2004). This enables an attacker to access the host OS and all other VMs running on that particular host. The complexity of Hypervisors and VMs may increase the threat to attack surface that weakens security, such as check pointing, migration of VMs and paging. Reliability and Availability of Service Another significant cloud computing vulnerability is reliability and availability. In the event of glitches in infrastructure such as failure to cloud storage, data may be inaccessible or even lost (Flavio Roberto, 2010). With more services being developed on top of cloud, computing infrastructures, a failure or outage can create a domino effect by interrupting many internets based applications and services. This raises questions such as what forms of settlement exist for stakeholders in cases of failures, what is the responsibility of cloud providers and what procedures should be put in place to overcome these issues. Insecure Cryptography Organizations have come up with algorithms and cryptographic mechanisms as means to secure their data. However, attackers have discovered means to decode these security mechanisms and hack them. This is so because it is common for crucial flaws to exist in the implementation of cryptographic algorithms, which can change strong encryption into weak encryption that is vulnerable to attack (Spitzner, 2011). Although VMs provide more flexible and efficient set-up than traditional servers in cloud providers data centers, they still lack enough access to generate random numbers required to properly encrypt a data, and this becomes a big problem. How do computers generate truly random numbers that cannot be replicated or guessed? In PCs, mouse movements and key strokes are monitored by an OS to gather bits of a data that is collected in an entropy pool (Underwood, 2012). In servers with neither a mouse nor a keyboard, random numbers are pulled from the movements of the computers hard drive. According to Schreiber (2004), the random numbers gathered from the movements of VMs internal clock is not enough to generate strong encryption keys. Data Protection and Portability Services are offered on contractual bases between a client and the provider. However, it is not clear what happens when the contract is terminated and the client does not want to continue. Is the clients sensitive data going to be deleted or is it going to be misused by the provider. The other issue is what would happen to the services and the clients data if the provider were to go out of business for any reason. Data portability therefore becomes a main weakness in cloud computing (Karthick et. al., 2011) Vendor Lock In New business models and immature service providers has raised the risk of business failure. Lock-in makes a client unable to deal with another provider without a good amount of switching costs due to dependence on one provider for products and services. Before the process of selecting a provider, clients need to be sure of their potential provider (Hartig, 2009). Clients may also remain locked in to one provider due to lack of standards. They do not have the freedom to migrate easily from one provider to another because of the heterogeneous policies and standards set by each provider. Cloud computing is dependent on the internet technology where users access services via the web browser. With internet outage, critical clients systems and operations such as healthcare that are supposed to run 24 hours cannot be accessed, and the outcome could be disastrous. Cloud computing is flexible, multi-shared and scalable with a high capacity that gives business an innovative shape. However, these benefits are reduced by the vulnerabilities and threats that face the cloud. Significant contributions are required to ensure the safety of this technology and its development (Siani, 2009). In-depth security mechanisms and policies need to be designed to counter these threats and vulnerabilities and ensure the security of users and maintain their trust. Buy custom Cloud Computing essay

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Private law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Private law - Essay Example union between Springer and the relatives made it possible for her to regain her health and continued to move together as a group in the waters (Henderson, 151-161). The issue raised in the story has raised the emotions of the readers. Luna the most loved whale dies in British Columbia waters. The orphaned whale had won the heart of many whale lovers around the world the globe. The appearance of the young killer whale at Nootka had attracted much attention from the media around the world. The whale enjoyed developing relationship with people and played with anything around it including the boats. The close relationship between the whale and the humans was, unfortunately, the cause of its death. The young Luna was killed had been killed by a boats propeller in 2006. Even though the occurrence saddened many people, a few individuals were relieved since the animal’s curious behavior had resulted in number problems that had not yet been resolved. Luna’s playfulness had destroyed many boats creating conflicts with the boat owners. The challenges were difficult to determine by fisheries officers (Henderson, 160-162). Groc was not success ful in avoiding emotional response. The writer tried to explain the issues that may have led to the whale being lonely. The writer continued to explain how the whale had struggled to develop a relationship with the human beings. It was desirable for the writer to produce an emotional response with an intention of keeping the reader on the track. The authors desire to look at the issues objectively and equitably were effectively achieved. She explains how the orphaned whale had developed friends and enemies in different measures. Despite the whale struggling to build a relationship with humans, she was killed by the same people that she used to play with. I totally agree that humans were responsible for the demise of the orphaned Luna, since the whale was discovered; it was always struggling to develop a relationship with persons, a

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Philosophy - sexism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Philosophy - sexism - Essay Example This concept marks the drawing line between having a male and female within a society. It is on this basis that Frye is trying to show that sexism and gender is a very significant matter. According to her prepositions and perceptions, various actions between men and women lead us to believe that women are very different, that sex/gender is the most important thing, and that these behaviors must represent something biologically about women (Frye). Reading through Frye’s concepts, it becomes clear that children that are born with imperfectly formed genitals, a body that’s doesn’t seem to develop towards â€Å"the norm† of the gender, are given cosmetics, surgeries, medicines, therapies, etc in order to fit the picture sharply towards the gender. It is like they’re being punished. This probably is one of the most interesting parts within the reading. What’s more, it is the demand of the world that suggested all this. This follows the fact that all these have been planted in our conscious

Monday, November 18, 2019

Human Resources processes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Human Resources processes - Essay Example Finally, employee and union relations are significant to set up the mutual promise required among constituents in a winning organization (Loesch, L. C. 2005). More and more, human resource management activities performed by managers and employees all through an organization in these areas are imperative to spirited performance. Just as information management, excellence improvement, monetary management, and other functions are becoming dim all through an organization, so is the management of human resources. It's flattering everyone's job to build an organization that learns rapidly, adapts fast to change, is staffed suitably, and performs efficiently. The strength of this addition is represented at General Electric, where "Every attempt of every man and woman in the company is focused on satisfying customers' needs ( Kirkpatrick, D. 2006, 54-59). To frame our orientation in a sensible approach to evaluate teacher performance, this research propose borrowing from the realm of corporate, industrial, and adult training and using Kirkpatrick's (1959a, 1959b,1960a,1960b) four level model of training evaluation. This model of evaluation has been the majority reviewed and practical guide to assessing the efficiency of training in the mature world of work since its beginning in 1959. In this research training and development, Kirkpatrick reviews the model and notes that small of the content has distorted. He still posits that the efficiency of training, and this paper propose teaching, is best assess at four increasingly difficult and precious levels. These are the response level, the learning level, the performance level, and the consequences level (Kirkpatrick, 1959a). The rest of this research will define these levels how every can be used to assess the performance of gurus. Integrating Human Resource Strategy and Business Strategy A main way to attain addition is to recognize and address people-related issues in the usual course of managing the business and as part of the strategic planning procedure. Moreover, human resource issues commendable of management attention are as essential to the success of commerce as marketing, operations, technology, monetary, or any other issues. Nowadays, almost all business issues have people implications; all human resource issues have commerce implications. Furthermore, strategies, counting human resource strategies, may be more or less open, near- or long-term, general or exact, depending on the state of affairs. They give plans for actions that will achieve under attack results under conditions of change. Richard Pascale has distinct plan as "all the things essential for the winning functioning of an association as an adaptive device". Strategies are effectual when significant commerce issues are resolved or turn out to be less significant and are replaced by new up-and-coming issues. In this background, human resource strategies play a dangerous role in formative the ability of a business to manage wanted change. No doubt, human resource staff and operating managers be supposed to work together as partners in defining and addressing commerce issues and their human resource insinuation. An opportunity for addition is

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Event Planning for Homeless Charity

Event Planning for Homeless Charity Michelle VillaruzBryan Rodriguez Tommy ThuChris Serrano Giveaways: A Charity Event Helping the Homeless Mission: Accomplish a well done community service for our nations neighborhoods that are experiencing homelessness and initiate an essential way of getting resources. Project Description: Conception The homeless need food, drinks, and bath and body essentials. Planning Catering to up to 75 homeless individuals, complete all tasks in three weeks. Retrieve $600 funds (Donations, Salvation Army, (San Francisco) Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing) Start collecting goods and equipment (tents, tables, trash bags) to set up the charity event Find volunteers (product counter, assistants, drivers) Promote Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, date and time TBD Execution The turn out of the charity event goes well with the homeless retrieving their goods. Termination Clean up. Project Product: Homeless retrieving food, drinks, and hygiene products. Milestones: Funds and donations retrieved Resources complete (Volunteers, perishable items, equipment (tents, tables and trash bags, etc.) Make a website (Facebook page) + other promotions Search for a safe neighborhood park Set up date, time, check weather The turn up is real and moving well Assumptions: Everything goes as planned with cost, resources and time. If we do not make $600 in funds, well set another date for the event until we do If we do not have enough resources (volunteers, equipment, items) well make do with what we have Proposal Outline for Charity Event Helping the homeless Giveaways Executive Summary Homelessness is a huge issue in San Francisco Bay Area as well as the United States as a whole. Unfortunately, there are approximately 600,000 Homeless in America alone. Our team leader Bryan has requested ways to potentially fundraise for homeless and create ideas for a solution to homeless. His request includes different methods such as researching and fundraising. To create these ideas a basic knowledge on homelessness was needed. This included what it was like to be homeless and how some people became homeless. After gaining some knowledge of homelessness it was necessary to find ways to both raise awareness for homelessness as well as ways to fundraise for our non-profit organizations Fund. Problem a brief statement of the problem or need (one to two paragraphs) The homeless need food, drinks, and bath and body products and we will hold a charity event that will cater to their needs. Solution a short description of the project that includes what will take place, the benefit, how and where it will operate / work, for how long and who will staff it (one to two paragraphs) Well collect donations (food, drinks, bath and body products) and purchase water bottles. Funding requirements an explanation of the amount of money required for the project and future funding plans (one paragraph) The Salvation Army, The San Francisco Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing are who we are planning on getting funds from. Well be collecting essential donations. Organization and its expertise -name, history, purpose, activities and capacity to carry out the proposal(one paragraph) Giveaways is a charity event held to cater to the homeless. It will be held in neighborhood parks. Donations of food, drinks, and hygiene products will be given away. Our team of volunteers will help make this work. With some funding from the Salvation Army and the SF Dept. of Homelessness and Supportive housing, we hope to carry out these good deeds. Statement of Need Three paragraphs that allow the reader to learn more about the issues, presents the facts and evidence that support the need for the project and establishes that your non-profit understands and can address the problem. -Use accurate, specific facts / data to support the project and illustrate the need. -Provide an example that hits home. -Provide hope (i.e. dont just talk about how bad run-off from development, emphasize what can be done about it) -Put a human face on it, provide real life examples and emphasize the needs of those served We need funds, donations, equipment, volunteers to successfully cater to the homeless. Project Description (See Above) Nuts and bolts of the project -Describe the project in a way that is interesting / compelling -Five sections OObjectives Define measurable improvements in behavior, performance, process or a tangible item that will result from the project. OMethods A detailed description of the activities leading to achieving the objectives that includes how, when (project timeline), and why the methods will work. OStaffing / Administration A short description of the number of staff, their qualifications and what they will be doing. OEvaluation A description of how the organization and the funder will know the project is a success. What methods will be used to evaluate success? What types of measures -qualitative or quantitative? Remember that success is not just completing a list of activitieswhat is the impact of the activity on achieving the objectives? Who will measure success? OSustainability Since funders rarely want to make a long term commitment to one organization, they want to know that the project will attract other funders. Evidence of current funding (for larger projects) is helpful and may be requested. Budget Provide a summary of direct and indirect expenses, as well as anticipated revenue, for the completion of the project. For ease of understanding, this summary is usually in the form of a chart and includes narrative to explain anything unusual. Estimated Labor Volunteers Estimated Materials 200 Estimated Contractors None Estimated Equipment and Facilities 400 Estimated Travel 15 Total Estimated Cost 815 Organizational Information (See Above) History, mission, and project fit within the mission, structure, programs and expertise, board, activities, staff, audience served, special needs of audience, why we are needed, and number of people reached through our programs. (one to two pages, maximum) Conclusion A concluding paragraph or two that is used to make a final pitch for the project. Everything goes as planned. Resources, cost, and time are met. Our clients (the homeless in San Francisco) have retrieved their essentials. Standard Proposal Letter Outline (a short version of the full length proposal) Ask for the gift -why you are writing and the funding request   Ã‚  

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Hunger Of Memory Essay -- essays research papers

The theme of separation is an important development in the novels Hunger of Memory and How the Garcia Girls lost their Accent. The novels deal with separation differently. For Hunger of Memory by Richard Rodriguez, the separation allows Richard to move from the private world to the public world. Here, separation is a movement for a solution, which is citizenship. In How the Garcia Girls Lost their Accent by Julia Alvarez, the separation is an effect from Antojo. Richard Rodriguez immediately recognizes the separations in his early life. He considers the inside of his house to be private and the outside of his house to be public. His family and the Spanish language belong to his private society. It contains a feeling of intimacy and a sense of belonging. The los gringos, school and the English language are associated with the pubic society. Several other kinds of separation emerge from this separation of public and private society. There are separations of sound and word, female and male, and reason and affection. Richard believes it is natural to move from one separation into another. He needs to do this in order to move from the private to the public society. This movement is voluntary by Richard and forced by his parents. It is done to help Richard’s education. It will give him better opportunities in the United States. Speaking only English at home initiates the movement, instead of speaking Spanish. Ultimately, Richard can have a sense of belonging to the pu...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Food Inc, opinion paper Essay

Question 1: Based on your viewing of Food, Inc., how does your view of â€Å"farm-fresh† and other marketing messages that suggest a more organic flow of food products relate to the realities of 21st-century marketing channels for food? The American Marketing Association defines marketing as â€Å"the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large† (https://www.ama.org/AboutAMA/Pages/Definition-of-Marketing.aspx). The marketing mix consists of product, price, place, promotion, which means that a company needs to sell the right product at the right price and in the right place, using the best promotion. Because of all of this, â€Å"farm-fresh† and organic foods must fight in the marketplace against traditionally farmed foods. Looking at the product: what exactly makes a food organic? Organic can mean different things to different people, and even has a different meaning between companies. According to organic.org, the USDA defines organic food as that which is produced with emphasized use of renewable resources, plus conservation of soil and water. Organic food is produced without conventional pesticides, fertilizers made with synthetics or waste, bioengineered, or ionized radiation. â€Å"Organic meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products come from animals that are given no antibiotics or growth hormones† (http://www.organic.org/home/faq). A government-approved certifier must inspect farms where organic foods are grown to assure that the farmer follows all USDA rules and meets organic standards. Price is a large factor when most people go grocery shopping, especially during these tough economic times. Many, including myself, can argue that organic or â€Å"farm-fresh† foods are just too expensive to buy on a regular basis, or even at all. Personally, I will buy whichever brand is cheapest, without paying attention to where or how it is produced. According to organic.org, one should consider the following facts when wondering why an organic product might cost more than it’s traditionally grown counterpart: Conventional farmers receive federal subsidies, while organic farmers do not, so the price of organic food reflects the true cost of growing. Environmental cleanups, that we pay for with our tax dollars, is not reflected in conventional food. Organic production is more labor and management intensive. And finally, organic farms do not benefit from the economies of scale that larger, more conventional farmers receive. The placement of organic foods is generally next to conventional foods in most grocery stores. Some stores may have a separate organic section, or the organic product could be placed next to its conventionally grown counterpart. Some grocery stores, such as Natural Grocers, only sell USDA approved organic or naturally grown produce and meat, and would not be concerned with placement. Organic foods are generally promoted as being more nutritious than conventional foods. Although, organic.org admits that there is not research to back this claim, at this time, there are studies that show that organic food has a higher nutritional value. This makes since, considering they are grown more naturally, with less chemicals. This film does expose something about organic or â€Å"farm-fresh† foods: the American food industry is supposed to be protected by the USDA and FDA, but they have been allowing these suppliers to focus on profit and put aside consumer health, the environment, and worker safety. Question 2: Based on your answer to Question 1, are you likely to change how and where you procure your foods (i.e., grocery stores, farmers’ markets, fast-food outlets)? Please explain your reasons. I have never been concerned about how my food was made or where it came from. I have never paid attention to organic foods, GMOs, all-natural, or anything related to the production of the foods I eat. As far as I know, my parents never paid attention to these things either. Because of this, â€Å"farm-fresh† and other marketing of organic foods has not affected me. I just purchase the foods that I want and pay no attention to whether they are â€Å"farm-fresh†, organic, locally grown, etc. I will buy whatever is cheapest,  not whatever is healthiest, most natural, or whatever. My opinion and food purchasing habits will most likely not change after viewing this movie. This question reminds me of high school health class, where we had to watch â€Å"Supersize Me.† Everyone started saying how gross it is, that they are never eating at McDonalds again, or whatever other promises they were making. All I could think was that I could totally go for some McNuggets after school that day! I guess it is just because I have never worried about where the food I eat comes from. However, I have always paid attention to salmonella and E. coli recalls. I remember not eating beef or spinach or peanut butter when there was an outbreak in their plants, because why would I want to get sick? So, I would say no, I will not change where or how I procure my groceries. I will not say that I did not get sad watching those little baby chicks die, or the chickens getting slung around. And those poor cows getting slaughtered, and that one that had that hole and the guy was digging around in her stomach, and said that she was not in pain†¦how does he know?! He’s just cut a big hole in her and is sticking his hand in her stomach, and she cannot tell you that she is in pain! Question 3: Finally, do you think there are any ethical and/or social responsibility issues that confront marketing channels for food distribution? Chicken are manipulated to grow bigger breasts, tomatoes are genetically engineered to not go bad by being picked while they are green, then ripened with chemicals. Tens of thousands of Americans get sick from new strains of E. coli every year. Levels of obesity are shooting upwards, and diabetes in adults and children have reached epidemic proportions. If Americans knew how corporations used subsidies and exploited laws to make more money, would they think more carefully about what they are eating? The truth is, most people have no clue where their foods come from. Below, I will list secrets and other things that the public should know about the food that they are putting into their bodies. I found a list on www.takepart.com (http://www.takepart.com/photos/food-inc-facts/the-impact-of-food-inc-lives-on-) of 18 â€Å"Food, Inc.† facts that everyone should know, which I have compared  with my notes and compiled the following paragraphs. I feel that if everyone was aware of these facts, it would increase the social responsibility of these companies, and people would have trust in them. These facts pertain to the slaughterhouses and meat packers. In the 1970s, the top five beef packers controlled about 25% of the market, while today, more than 80% of the market is controlled by the top four. In the 1970s, there were thousands of slaughterhouses producing the majority of beef sold, while today, there are only 13. In 1972, the FDA conducted 50,000 food safety inspections. Approximately 32,000 hogs a day are killed in Smithfield Hog Processing Plant in Tar Heel, NC, the largest slaughterhouse in the world. In 2006, the FDA only conducted 9,164. These facts pertain to Monsanto and the USDA. Prior to renaming itself an agribusiness company, Monsanto was a chemical company. In 1996 when Monsanto introduced Round-Up Ready Soybeans, the company controlled only 2% of the U.S. soybean market. Now, over 90% of soybeans contain Monsanto’s patented gene in the United States. In 1998, the USDA implemented microbial testing for salmonella and an E. coli strain so that the USDA could shut down the plant if they repeatedly failed these tests; the USDA no longer has this power after being taken to court by the meat and poultry associations. These facts pertain to the FDA, USDA, and congressmen. During the Bush administration, the head of the FDA was the former executive vice president of the National Food Processors Association. Also during the Bush administration, the chief staff at the USDA was the former chief lobbyist for the beef industry in Washington. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was an attorney at Monsanto from 1976-1979; after his appointment to the Supreme Court, Justice Thomas wrote the majority opinion in a case that helped Monsanto enforce its seed patents. The SB63 Consumer Right to Know measure, requiring all food derived from cloned animals to be labeled as such, passed the California state legislature before being vetoed in 2007 by Governor Schwarzenegger, who said that he couldn’t sign a bill that pre-empted federal law. The rest of these facts are just interesting. The average chicken farmer (with two poultry houses) invests over $500,000, but only makes $18,000 a year. The average American eats over 200 pounds of meat each year. The modern supermarket stocks, on average 47,000 products, most of which are being produced by only a handful of food companies. About 70% of processed have some genetically modified ingredients. According to the American Diabetes Association, 1 in 3 Americans born after 2000 will contract early onset diabetes. Among minorities, the rate will be 1 in 2. E. coli and salmonella outbreaks have been more frequent in America. In 2007, there were 73,000 people wicked by the E. coli bacteria. Organics is the fastest growing food segment, increasing 20% annually.