Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Impact Of Climate Change On Planet Earth - 1343 Words

The Impact Climate Change Has on Planet Earth In the last few decades, climate change has been a significant scientific and economic controversy for major debates. Some scientists believe they have already given enough research and proof to justify climate change as being a real, prevalent issue while other scientist and politicians thoughtlessly reject the theory altogether. This problem is very important for a few reasons; climate change could potentially define the fate of the entire human race, and because of this we might need to implement new laws regarding emissions of greenhouse gasses that could cost the world trillions of dollars. This subject is no laughing matter, and in today’s world you have to be blind, deaf, and stupid not to believe in it. The amount of research backing up these claims of climate change is irrefutable, but there are fundamental problems with locating the exact cause of it. Scientists are in a battle to discover if humans are the source of climate change or if planet Earth is undergoing a natural cycle that slowly increases the average temperature of itself. All that is known today is that when carbon dioxide and other compounds chemically similar to it are released into the atmosphere, the Earth gets hotter, decreasing the amount of Arctic ice and increasing the sea level. Disregarding money, climate change is a real, and very serious issue that has a tremendous quantity of research supporting it with, unfortunately, a deadly ending if notShow MoreRelatedGlobal Climate Change Causes And Effects On The Environment And The World s Oceans916 Words   |  4 Pagesabout global climate change? Do you think we create this problem in the twentieth-first century to damage our planet. This problem started at the beginning of civilization and became worse during the Industrial Revolution of the eighteenth century. 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